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Xbox Mod: Mod Chips

We add new functionality to the popular game console.
By Kevin Rose
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Xbox mod chip

Why mod the Xbox? Well, the Xbox is more than just a gaming machine. It's the most powerful computer you can purchase for $199. Under the hood, the Xbox is equipped with a 733-MHz Intel Pentium III processor, an Nvidia graphics subsystem, hard drive, Ethernet, and four USB ports. Modding the Xbox turns it from a gaming console into a fully functional PC (that can still run games).

On today's show, we'll start our five-part series on Xbox mods. We kick off our mods with the first step toward unleashing all the Xbox power: adding a mod chip.

Important note

Xbox mods are not supported by Microsoft and may be illegal under the DMCA. If you mod your Xbox, you are willingly voiding the warranty and potentially breaking the law. If done improperly, modding could damage your Xbox.

Choose a mod chip

There are close to a dozen varieties of mod chips, all with different options and features. Rather than bore you with the details on each chip, let's cut to the chase.

The two best mod chips on the market are the Xecuter2 Lite and Xecuter2 Pro. The only difference between the chips is that the Pro has a parallel interface so you can flash the BIOS directly with your PC. Personally, I prefer the Lite chip, simply because it comes pre-flashed. The Pro lacks a BIOS and needs to be manually flashed before using.

Be careful when purchasing your mod chips online. There are lots of shady fly-by-night websites that are just out there to take your money.

Solder the chips

I've found that Xbox-Scene is the best resource for Xbox tutorials on the Web. If you have any questions along your modding journey, visit the site.

The first thing you need to do is open the Xbox. Here's a complete tutorial.

The Xecuter2 Lite and Xecuter2 Pro require the same solder points. Great soldering diagrams can be found here. When soldering, make sure to use a low-watt solder gun to prevent burning your motherboard (15 watts is fine). Don't forget the thin solder.

After the soldering is complete, reseat the motherboard and components. Restart your Xbox, and you should now be presented with "Xecuter2" directly underneath the Xbox logo. This is the sign of a properly installed Xbox mod chip.

If you are having problems, it's probably due to an incorrectly soldered d0 wire. Tips on soldering the d0 can be found here.

Our next Xbox mod: replacing the Microsoft dashboard with EvolutionX.

Originally aired March 31, 2003
Modified April 2, 2003

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