Welcome To...




Lamberton United Methodist Church

612 Fir Street

Lamberton, MN  56152


A Certified Welcoming Congregation


Parish Office:

Located in the Parsonage

606 Fir Street



Our Vision Statement:


We vision to share God’s love.   We purpose to break the bread of life in our church, our community and in our world.  Relationship is foremost; proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to all we meet and fellowship with.


In January of 2005, we were certified as a welcoming congregation.  This special distinction has come to us though our care and concern felt for each other; especially those visiting us.


Our congregation believes deeply in God’s greatest commandments to Love God with every bit of your being and to love your neighbor as yourself.  This, combined with Jesus’ words to “Go and make disciples of all nations, encourages us to spread the good news of God’s tremendous love to all we meet.  Especially those people stopping by to visit.


We have an active youth group which meets weekly on a regular basis.  Special events and activities are scheduled monthly.  Our youth group is supported by our congregation and a host of spiritual mentors from our congregation.  – Cathy Tetrick


A very special choir provides music for our Sunday Services and special seasons.  Practice is scheduled weekly at 7:30PM on Wednesdays, except for summer.  – Bob Krinke


Who loves Jesus?

We love Jesus!

And we are excited to be able to share that with every special person we meet.  Whether a long time member visiting family member, new to the community, or looking for a church home, we would love to be able to share the warmth and joy of Jesus with you! – Pastor Dorie


The United Methodist Women meet one Thursday afternoon a month.  Within this group, two circles also meet regularly.  – Audrey Asp


Boys & Girls Fellowship is  a midweek program for your students in grades one to six.  Currently they meet the first Wednesday monthly; after school to 5:00PM.  Our kids experience devotions, special events, snacks and fellowship with God.  – Audrey Asp


Our Missions Committee is committed to several areas of need.  In the Summer of 2009 we worked at the Rosebud Indian Reservation.  We also participate in serving meals at the Banquet, raise money of our Food Shelf, work with the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, while also choosing several National and International projects annually such as the Heifer Project. – Jim Gode


 Last Updated: October 2, 2010