The Teaching Staff of Red Rock Central...........

Who are they? .....the men and women who work very hard to help our children become the best possible citizens of this world.


Where are they? will find them in the classrooms and hallways of both our Elementary Building and the High School Building.  They arrive as early as 7:00 in the morning and often remain long after students leave at night....then return again for evening events.


What do they do?....they make lesson plans and implement those plans with our children. They encourage, support, chastise, monitor progress and reteach when needed. They are sincerely interested in helping our children to do their best and be the best---in the classroom, on the athletic field, at the choral or band contest, on the Acedemic Decathalon, or the Mock Trial teams. They look for signs of success to praise, needs to fill, trouble to intervene
