
9th Grade Civics

Civics is a study of the United States government.  Areas of study include the
qualities of good citizenship, why we have government, the cost of government,
the Constitution, the freedom and rights of people, the powers of the federal, state,
and local government, and how our leaders are elected.
There is also a career unit using "Choices", a Minnesota Information Service,
and an IBM computer program which creates a file that runs until graduation.
Incorporated into this class will be a performance package under "People and
Cultures" which will involve the preparing of a citizens guide fulfilling the first two
levels of this standard.  Completion of the standard will be done at the senior level.
Our career investigation unit will also fulfill the full requirement under decision making.

Why Civics Matters

           Unit 1 A Tradition of Democracy
           Unit 2 The Federal Government
           Unit 3 State and Local Government
           Unit 4 The Citizen in Government
           Unit 5 The Citizen in Society
           Unit 6 The American Economy
           Unit 7 The United States and the World
           Unit 8 Meeting Future Challenges
    Graduation Standard:
                                       Career Investigation

Some independent projects are expected!


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