We hope we can help you with any questions, comments, or problems you may have.
Fax Machine Number: (507)-831-4024
Phone Number: (507)-831-2060
Street Address: Cottonwood County
Planning and Zoning Department
235 Ninth St. Windom, Minnesota 56101
Our Department is responsible for ordinances for the county, making rules for the county that may deal with planning and zoning or environmental issues. Also, our department deals with approving building permits. We also test water, inspect feed lofts and for noxious fumes, inspect weed complaints, and inspect certain buildings.
We provide many environmental health programs. They include food, beverages, lodging, township well testing and well sealing programs for the people in Cottonwood County. The head officer is C. Michael Hanson.
We distribute many pamphlets and forms about our department that are available to the public. They include ordinance, school regulations, and other forms about the questions that our clients question about.
There are a few links related to our department. Check a few of them out.
This page
was made by: Greg Johnson, Aaron Tempel, Bridgette Sutherland, and Brian
Werner from the RRC HS 9th Grade Civics Class. This page was last
updated on January 28, 1998. If you have any
questions, comments, or other things you'd like to know about this department
you can call the number or write to our department at the address above.