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About My Home Page

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The significance of 404 There is absolutely none.  It is the version of Netscape Communicator that I was using when I started building this page, but aside from that, it really doesn't mean much.  Although, now that I think about it, 404 is that wonderful HTTP error code that you so often can get by following the links returned by a Web Crawler search.  Huh.
Devonshire? Okay.  This one came from a distinguishable source, at least.  Devonshire was the name of the British Naval ship which gets sunk by the evil Carver Communications stealth boat in the latest 007 movie, Tomorrow Never Dies, which I went to the night before starting this page.
Sorry if you were looking for a button to return to my home page, but I find that, in practice, no one uses those things anyway, so just use the little back arrow on the left end of your toolbar.