School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Monday, September 15, 2014


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education, District No, 2884 was held in the Board Room in Lamberton on Monday, September 15, 2014.  Members present were: Bierl, Clarke, Erickson, Kelsey, Rasmussen, Rogotzke, and Stavnes.  Others in attendance: Superintendent Olson, Principal Goetstouwers, Deb Altermatt, Doreen Kronback and Val Halter.

Chairman Rogotzke called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Clarke and unanimously carried, to approve the Agenda, August 18, 2014 Board Minutes and Treasurer’s Report as presented.

Kelsey presented the Financial Report for the Auditorium Project.  A total of $152, 277.30 donations have been received to date, with $74,826.62 available for future approved improvements.  The sound system will be paid for from the remaining funds.  Different body microphones are being explored and pricing for a floor mat.  The last donor has approved use of donated funds for the gymnasium floor refinishing project.

Principal Goetstouwers reported the following:  US News and World Report has reported RRC as One of America’s Best Schools – Listed as a Silver ranked #35, on the list for the sixth year; Great turnout for the Fifth Grade Open House, two new students from Springfield;  There are fourteen incoming students in Lamberton building; Three students have enrolled for Spanish I class, students finding online class rigorous;  Two new staff members, Dianna Zarrett, Engilsh and FCCLA Advisor and Kathy Thompson two hours per day working with Grade 6 Math and Reading;  Completed one fire and tornado drill already, will have lockdown drill before the end of the month; Homecoming week is September 29 – October 3, Homecoming Parade will be held on October 3 at 1 p.m.;  Sophomores  have met with Josten’s to order class rings;  NRP has completed cap and gown measurements; Junior Class had Kick Off for magazine sales;  Check for $814.28 has been received from Target Company, funds used to cover cap and gown costs;  School pictures have been taken; Exploring High School Cube – live streaming school events, i.e. concerts, Commencement and sporting events;  10th Graders will be attending Career Expo in Marshall;  FFA going to event at Mountain Lake September 24; Senior Class Trip is being planned for March 25 – 29 to Los Angeles and San Diego and the Prom has been scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 2015,

Deb Altermatt reported the following:  Jeffers Building Open House went well;  2014 – 2015 off to a good start;  Scheduling is working good; Cooks are trying new things under the new lunch guidelines;  Pipe back up in the kitchen; Two unplanned fire drills, one box malfunction and a one because the box is placed too low for a curious student, both boxes have been fixed; Received $320.70 from Target Take Charge of Education program;  Testing dates, NWEA for

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grades K-2 September 23 – 26, OLPA (Optional Local Purpose Assessment) October 6 – 10, FAST (Formative Assessment for Teachers) September 29, this will replace the DIBBELS for K – 2 Reading and Math and potentially the NWEA in the future;  Student Council continues to collect Labels for Education, will sell Karell Weather Guide calendars in October and the fourth graders collect the classroom recycling on Thursdays;  Grandparents Day set for Friday, October 24;  Bus Safety drill scheduled September 16, drivers Damann and Kronback will assist and Superintendent Olson will handle drill with Grades 5 & 6; School supplies from summer programs at Jeffers Methodist and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church of Redwood Falls were received, and Picture Day went well.

Superintendent Olson reported the following:  The electronic sign is ready, Larry Hubert is asked to help with building a stand, brick landscaping is being explored and a sign acknowledging the donor;  Bus garage doors are too short to house new buses, proposing two new doors, openers and red metal fascia at a cost of $3800.00;  HCSP (Health Care Savings Plan) should within 5 years of retirement replace 403 plan, working with LEA to resolve current agreement, HCSP is a tax savings to the District;  Wellness Committee is discussing a workshop;  MSBA representative met with Superintendent and Board Chairman;  Current background check policy; Day Care request received for before and after school, sending out survey to RRC residents to check interest, the program would be self-sustaining;  School Lunch program complaints are being expressed concerning quantity of food served and the possibility of purchasing a second meal;  Negotiating is being done with ZAYO the commercial internet access site, other services are offering lower rates;  Enrollment is up for 2014 -2015, 422 compared to 2013 – 2014 enrollment of 413, and a work session needs to be scheduled to develop a Superintendent Evaluation Plan among other things,

Upon motion of Erickson, seconded by Rasmussen and unanimously carried, to approve all the claims for payment in the amount of $110,576.42.  Receipts were $689,630.76 and investments of $890,303.48.

Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Stavnes and unanimously carried to accept the resignation of Beverly Larson.

Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Stavnes and unanimously carried to hire Beverly Larson as districts upper level Mathematics teacher.

Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Kelsey to renew the Athletic Director contract with Bryce Pack, at a salary of $20,600.00.  The following voted in favor:  Bierl, Clarke, Erickson, Kelsey, Rasmussen, Rogotzke.  The following voted no: Stavnes.  Motion carries.

Upon motion of Erickson, seconded by Rasmussen and unanimously carried to accept the World’s Best Workforce document as presented, the document will be sent to the MDE and presented on the RRC web-site.  An Advisory Committee will be established for the program.


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Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to certify the proposed levy at the MAXIMUM amount.  The following voted in favor of thereof: Rogotzke, Kelsey, Clarke, Erickson, Stavnes, Rasmussen and Bierl.  The following voted no: None.  Motion carried.

Upon motion of Erickson, seconded by Clarke and unanimously carried to increase the amount approved for the bus garage improvements to $30,000.00, a $5000.00 increase.

Kelsey inquired if better quality body microphones could be purchased over the approved sound system costs.  Superintendent Olson will review the expense.

Other discussion included:  Need for a MMR Advisory Committee with the majority of the members being parents of RRC students; Potential Athletic Director work agreement; Positive comments about Superintendent and District improvements on Jeffers campus; Value of the Storden tree line property, and vacations days for Leonard Runck.

Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Stavnes and unanimously to adjourn at 9:25 p.m.

The next meeting will be held on October 20, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.



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Alan J.  Clarke, Clerk                                                   Doreen Kronback, Reporter