School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Monday, September 15, 2008


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education, District 2884, was held in the elementary school library in Jeffers on Monday, September 15, 2008.  Members present were:  Derickson, Kelsey, Myers, Moldan, Rogotzke, and Westerman.  Clarke was tardy.  Superintendent Brennan, Principal Olson, Lead Teacher Riley, Dean Larson, Grant and Sharen Goeman, Bev and Gilbert Larson, Joe Dietl, and Denise Clarke were also in attendance.


Chairman Derickson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Upon motion of Moldan, seconded by Rogotzke and unanimously carried, to approve the agenda as amended, the minutes of the August 18, 2008 meeting, and the treasurer’s report.


Dean Larson expressed his opinions on Open Enrollment policies.


Lead Teacher Riley reported that everything went well the first day of school.  We had an open house with approximately 100 parents attending.  We had our first fire drill on September 5th.  School pictures were taken on Thursday.  Our first Integration Day will be on October 3rd.  The 1st and 2nd grades will be hosting in Jeffers.  Grandparent’s Day will be October 24th.  At our first Q-Comp cluster meeting, we worked on deciding what our goals will be for the year.  Expectations are high.


Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Myers and unanimously carried, to pay claims in the amount of $68,670.98.  Receipts were $1,567,667.54.


Three bids were received for the sale of the land near the swimming pool. 


Upon motion of Rogotzke and seconded by Westerman to approve the bid of $40,000 from Meadowland Farmers Coop for the approximate 5 acres of land near the swimming pool.  The purchaser will pay ½ of the survey fee and take the land as is. 

Upon roll call vote, voting yes:  Myers, Westerman, Rogotzke, Moldan, and Derickson.

Voting no:  Kelsey

Clarke was absent.

Motion passes.


Superintendent Brennan informed the Board that since our projected tax increase only comes to $2,940.98 over last year, we do not need to have a Truth in Taxation meeting this year.  Dr. Brennan told the Board that our State approved levy will be $534,058.12, which comes to less than 55% of 1%, or 0.55%.


Upon motion of Myers, seconded by Moldan and unanimously carried, to approve the projected levy at the Maximum amount certified by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education for the 2008 Payable 2009 property tax.


Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to approve the System Accountability Report and to publish it as in the past.


                                                September 15, 2008 – Page 2


Superintendent Brennan discussed enrollment numbers with the Board.  We are currently down 29 students.


Principal Olson reported the following:  I have visited the classrooms of our new staff and they seem to be doing an excellent job.  More technology equipment such as computers, TV’s, scanners, etc. were donated by the Department of Ag.  We held a Tornado Drill last week.  We had student body president and student council elections, and there has already been a meeting as Homecoming will soon be upon us.  At the Board’s request we will be giving surveys to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors and their parents regarding Prom and Class Trip.


Upon motion of Westerman, seconded by Kelsey and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 8:25 p.m.



__________________________________                ______________________________

Alan J. Clarke, Clerk                                                  Denise Clarke, Recorder