School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Monday, June 18, 2007


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education, District No. 2884, was held in the Board Room in Lamberton on Monday, June 18, 2007.  Members present were:  Clarke, Derickson, Kelsey, Moldan, Myers, Rogotzke, and Westerman.  Superintendent Brennan, Principal Olson, Jenifer Goblish, Bryce Pack, Joe Dietl, and Denise Clarke were also in attendance.


Chairman Derickson called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Upon motion of Moldan, seconded by Rogotzke and unanimously carried, to approve the agenda as amended, the minutes of the May 22, 2007 meeting, and the treasurer’s report.


Jenifer Goblish (Local EA President) and Bryce Pack (Members’ Rights Advocate) explained the grievance submitted by Brett Bartholomaus. 


Upon motion of Moldan and seconded by Westerman, to grant Brett Bartholomaus the redress sought.  Roll call vote was taken.  Voting yes:  Myers, Rogotzke, Westerman, Kelsey, Clarke, Moldan, and Derickson.  Voting no:  None.  Motion passed.


At 8:05 p.m. Board Member Kelsey had to leave the meeting for a previous appointment.


Superintendent Brennan reported that he attended a meeting of the Redwood County Collaberative. 


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Rogotzke and unanimously carried, to pay claims in the amount of $46,533.88.  Receipts were $545,477.07.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Moldan and unanimously carried, to accept the resignation of Ed Erickson as High School Custodian effective June 12, 2007.


Upon motion of Rogotzke, seconded by Myers and unanimously carried, to adopt the recommended changes in the Student Handbook.


Upon motion of Moldan and seconded by Rogotzke, to approve the work agreements of Marion Weber, the District’s Bookkeeper, and Denise Clarke, the Superintendent’s Executive Secretary, which shows a 3.5% increase over last year’s wage/insurance package.  Voting yes:  Myers, Rogotzke, Westerman, Moldan, and Derickson.  Clarke abstained.  Motion carried.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Moldan and unanimously carried, to accept the Preliminary General Budget showing a total of $5,302,784 for the 2007-2008 school year.




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Upon motion of Myers, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to instruct Superintendent Brennan to proceed with the paperwork for the Aid Anticipation Certificates.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Rogotzke and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of $9,315.00 from Lamberton Heating & Plumbing, Inc. to correct the water problem.


The wind energy project with Johnson Controls was discussed.


Upon motion of Rogotzke, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to go into closed session at 8:43 p.m. for the purpose of discussing staff negotiations.


Board Member Kelsey returned to the meeting.


Upon motion of Myers, seconded by Kelsey and unanimously carried, to return to the regular meeting at 9:18 p.m.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Kelsey and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 9:32 p.m.



___________________________________              ________________________________

Alan J. Clarke, Clerk                                                  Denise Clarke, Recorder