School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Monday, June 15, 2009


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education, District No. 2884, was held in the Board Room in Lamberton on Monday, June 15, 2009.  Members present were:  Clarke, Derickson, Johnson, Kelsey, Rogotzke, Stavnes, and Westerman.  Superintendent Brennan, Denise Clarke, and Joe Dietl were also in attendance.


Chairman Derickson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Upon motion of Rogotzke, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to approve the agenda as amended, the minutes of the May 19, 2009 meeting, and the treasurer’s report.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Kelsey and unanimously carried, to pay claims in the amount of $54,673.38.  Receipts were $529,405.12.


Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried, to accept the resignation of Darcy McGee as Business Teacher and to thank her for her years of service to the students and district.


Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to accept the contract changes for the following teachers:

            Kellie Dunn – Social Studies – from 5/7 FTE to Full Time

            Isaac Jenniges – Social Studies – from 5/7 FTE to Full Time

            Sheila Ryker – Title I – from 30% FTE to 45% FTE


Chairman Derickson excused herself from the Chairmanship and Vice Chairman Kelsey assumed the Chairmanship for the following vote:


Upon motion of Johnson and seconded by Westerman, to accept the contract change for Paula Derickson – Science - from 36% FTE to 50% FTE.  Voting yes: 6, voting no: 0.  Derickson abstained from voting.  Motion carried.


Derickson resumed the Chairmanship after the above motion.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Rogotzke and unanimously carried, to accept the quote for School Insurance of $50,996 and Workman’s Comp of $27,219 from the Wanda State Agency in Lamberton.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried, to approve the Q-Comp Annual Report as written.


Board Member Johnson informed the Board that the Jeffers American Legion wanted the Board to know that the elementary kids did a great job at the Memorial Day service, as did the musical trio.  Discussion was held regarding the roofers at the Jeffers building, the plumbers at the Lamberton building, advertising for Board vacancy, and precincts.


                                                June 15, 2009 – Page 2


Upon motion of Westerman, seconded by Stavnes and unanimously carried, to go into Closed Session at 7:53 p.m. to discuss negotiations and compensation matters.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Rogotzke and unanimously carried, to come out of Closed Session at 8:42 p.m.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 8:42 p.m.



_________________________________                  ______________________________

Alan J. Clarke, Clerk                                                  Denise Clarke, Recorder