School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Monday, February 12, 2007


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education, District No. 2884, was held in the Board Room in Lamberton on Monday, February 12, 2007.  Members present were:  Clarke, Derickson, Kelsey, Moldan, Myers, Rogotzke, and Westerman.  Superintendent Brennan, Lead Teacher Riley, Bryce Pack, Meridith Flaig, Joe Dietl, and Denise Clarke were also in attendance.


Chairman Derickson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Kelsey and unanimously carried, to approve the agenda, the minutes of the January 16, 2007 meeting, and the treasurer’s report.


Bryce Pack, Athletic Director, gave the Board a brief overview of the school districts that would like to be accepted into the Red Rock Conference in football. 


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Moldan and unanimously carried, to accept Cedar Mountain/Comfrey and Southwest United into the Red Rock Football Conference.


Lead Teacher Riley reported the following:  February is “I Love to Read” month, so we started the month off with “Hats off to celebrate reading!”  Late in the week it was “Sock it to me with a good book.”  Today was DEAR time:  Drop Everything And Read.  On March 2nd, Dr. Seuss’s birthday, the cooks will be serving green eggs and ham to add to the fun.  February 9th was the Hundredth Day of School.  We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th.  We also do activities and lessons in honor of George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays.  There will be no school on February 19th for President’s Day.  February 21st is our next Integration Day.  The first graders will be hosting this time in Jeffers.  February is also Dental Health Month.  Dr. Brennan has been busy doing evaluations of the elementary teachers for Q-Comp.  Some of the teachers have been going to workshops and bringing back new or supporting information to the rest of the teachers about Q-Comp. 


Principal Olson’s report was distributed to the Board.  The Wellness Center is at 113+ members.  We have added 3 treadmills and another lat pull rowing station.  The Martin Luther King, Jr. presentation from the “Mixed Blood Theater” was excellent.  The One Act Play was presented to our student body.  Preliminary scheduling for next year will begin soon.  Some changes we are excited about are expansion of college credits in math and English and AP courses in math and social studies.  Mr. Kedl and I will be attending an Advanced Placement workshop in March to implement these classes.  The State is funding much of this expansion.  The Student Council will be sponsoring a “Pennies for Patients” drive to raise money for Leukemia research.  The RRC senior class will be taking the NEAP test on Tuesday.  The wrestlers went back to the mat last Thursday night and will open their team tournament in Marshall Tuesday night.  V.J. Smith’s




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“Richest Man in Town” will be presented next Friday.  We have been selected as a high-performing school in terms of the numbers of successful graduates in colleges after they leave RRC.  This spring a number of interviews will be conducted by the Humphrey Institute from the University of Minnesota as a part of a study to see why our students excel when compared to many high schools across our state.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to pay claims in the amount of $112,331.61.  Receipts were $471,784.34.


Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Myers and unanimously carried, to accept the resignation of Ann Beyer as Title One Reading Instructor at the end of the school year and to thank her for her many years of service to the children of the District.


The Superintendent’s contract will be discussed at the next regular Board meeting.


Discussion was held regarding Federal funding for Title, the wind turbine project, and the visit Chairman Derickson, Superintendent Brennan, and Leonard Runck had with legislators in St. Paul regarding a fund transfer bill.


Upon motion of Kelsey, seconded by Westerman and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 8:16 p.m.



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Alan J. Clarke, Clerk                                                  Denise Clarke, Recorder