School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Thursday, January 31, 2008


A Special Workshop meeting of the Board of Education, District #2884, was held in the Lamberton Board Room on Thursday, January 31, 2008.  Members present were:  Clarke, Derickson, Kelsey, Moldan, Myers, Rogotzke, and Westerman.  Superintendent Brennan was also in attendance.


Chairman Derickson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Board reviewed and updated the District Goals to include: 


RRC Mission:  “To offer high-quality education in a dynamic, supportive learning environment and help all learners develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to lead healthy, productive, fulfilling, and socially responsible lives in a diverse and changing world.”


Fiscal Responsibility:  To retain 15% of our annual budget in reserve.


Curriculum:  Continue to meet and/or exceed the Minnesota state average scores on MCA tests.  Maintain and/or improve curriculum offerings.  Continue regular review of textbook and technology needs at both buildings.  Keep school social worker at elementary.


Facilities/Learning Environment:  Update the 5-year facility maintenance plan, to include busses and vehicles.  Continue communications with other districts to determine feasibility of sharing programs and facilities.


Community Involvement:  Encourage a sense of ownership towards our schools in the communities we serve.  Host a regional school board meeting w/o administrators to assess needs and determine feasibility of sharing resources regionally.  Meet with all 4 city councils to assess needs and find ways we can work together.  Continue to offer relevant, high-interest educational opportunities for adult learners.  Reevaluate newsletter offering; explore possibility of switching to newspaper column; investigate possibility of a brochure for new residents.  Explore possibility of creating an education support foundation for RRC.


The Board will revisit these goals in February of each year.


The meeting was declared adjourned by Chairman Derickson at 9:00 p.m.





Alan J. Clarke, Clerk