School Board Minutes

Red Rock Central District No. 2884

Monday, January 14, 2013


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education, District No. 2884, was held in the elementary library in Jeffers on Monday, January 14, 2013.  Members present were:  Bierl, Clarke, Erickson, Rasmussen, Rogotzke, and Stavnes.  Kelsey was absent.  A quorum of 6 was present.  Superintendent Brennan, Principal Goetstouwers, Sharlla Maras, Joe Dietl, and Denise Clarke were also in attendance.


Chairman Rogotzke called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


The Oath of Office was recited by newly elected Board Members Bierl, Rasmussen, and Stavnes. 


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Stavnes and unanimously carried, to approve the agenda, the minutes of the December 17, 2012 meeting, and the treasurer’s report.


Chairman Rogotzke called for nominations for Chairman.  Clarke nominated Rogotzke, seconded by Bierl.  Erickson made a motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Rogotzke as Chairman.  Motion carried.


Chairman Rogotzke called for nominations for Vice Chair.  Stavnes nominated Kelsey, seconded by Erickson.  A unanimous ballot was cast for Kelsey as Vice Chair.  Motion carried.


Chairman Rogotzke called for nominations for Clerk.  Stavnes nominated Clarke, seconded by Erickson.  Erickson made a motion seconded by Bierl, that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Clarke as Clerk.  Motion carried.


Chairman Rogotzke called for nominations for Treasurer.  Clarke nominated Stavnes, seconded by Erickson.  Stavnes nominated Erickson, seconded by Rasmussen.  A show of hands vote was cast in favor of Erickson for Treasurer 6 – 0.  Motion carried.


Upon motion of Stavnes, seconded by Rasmussen and unanimously carried, to approve the Lamberton News as the Legal Newspaper and First Security Bank as the fiscal agent and to appoint the following Committee members:


MSHSL –Discontinued


LEGISLATIVE – Kelsey; Rasmussen alternate


NEGOTIATIONS AND PERSONNEL OF CERTIFIED STAFF – Stavnes, Rasmussen, and Rogotzke; Clarke alternate


NEGOTIATIONS AND PERSONNEL OF NON-CERTIFIED STAFF – Clarke, Kelsey, and Erickson; Rasmussen alternate







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TRI-COUNTY JOINT POWERS BOARD – Erickson; Rasmussen alternate


COMMUNITY EDUCATION – Bierl; Rogotzke alternate


FINANCE/BUILDING COMMITTEE – Clarke, Kelsey, and Erickson




SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH  - Stavnes, Kelsey, and Rogotzke; Erickson alternate


Lead Teacher Altermatt’s report contained the following information:  The Handwriting contest entries for grades 1-6 are due January 23rd.  The winner will be announced at a later date.  Jump Rope for Heart runs from February 1-15.  Kids watch a video and have a packet to use.  They are doing a jump rope unit during Phy. Ed. class and get their names on the Wall of Fame for minutes jumped.  NWEA’s reportedly went very well!  All teachers were very pleased with student growth.  Test dates were January 7-11.  The 3rd and 4th graders will participate in the 3R Challenge – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  Eco Bus will be in Jeffers February 22nd for this program.  Reading to Achieve (sponsored by the Timberwolves) began November 1st and ended January 3rd.  Twenty 3rd and 4th graders participated.  This was an at home activity.  Thank You Parents!  Paraprofessional Week is January 14-18.  Work free lunch on Wednesday.  Teachers are doing the Para’s lunch, a.m., and p.m. duties.  Pizza on Wednesday, rolls on Thursday, and treats in lounge on Friday for our Paras.  We truly appreciate our Paraprofessional Staff!  They are excellent!  Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2nd.  We will have activities that week sponsored by the Student Council.  Report cards will be sent home Friday the 25th.  We will be collecting change for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.


Principal Goetstouwers presented the following report:  Snow Week was last week.  Students voted not to have the king and queen coronation.  In the fall, Student Council will vote on the future of the Snow Week coronation.  The end of the semester is this Friday.  Grades will be sent out on January 23rd.  Mailing will include consent forms for the MN Student Survey.  Second semester schedules will be handed out to students tomorrow.  Teacher workshop day will be January 21st.  A technology workshop will be presented by teachers.  They will also be finalizing grades.  Financial Aid Night and PLAN test interpretation for parents were both helpful and received positive feedback.  Mr. Runck, Mr. Wegman and I will be visiting the FABLAB in Mathomedi high school this Wednesday to get ideas of what we can do at our school in the future.  FABLAB (Fabrication Laboratory) is a place where students will be able to design and make almost anything.  Empowers students to produce new creations to solve current problems through experimentation, design, creativity, and innovation.  Mathodemi’s FABLAB uses laser cutters, CAD programs, silhouette fabricators, 3D scanners and printers, and milling machines.  The FFA will visit AgChem in Jackson on January 23rd.  Over 30 students are signed up.  Potentially 25 FCCLA students will represent RRC at State advancing in 9 events.  (technically this means 30 kids—5 competed in 2 events).  We have 13 Parli Pro team members who need test results.  We had 18 state advancers last year with 32 members.  We currently have 45 members with more participating and becoming successful at the local level.  The One-Act Play:  “Epic Fail” will be performed in Pipestone on January 26th.  NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) tests 8th graders on math and reading (one subject per student) on January 31st.  The 4th graders will test in March.  If the district accepts Title 1 funds, participation is mandatory under NCLB.  ASVAB test results will be interpreted to 11th graders on January 31st.


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Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried, to pay claims in the amount of $149,715.08.  Receipts were $626,931.50.


Upon motion of Erickson, seconded by Clarke and unanimously carried, to approve using Hildi Inc. for our GASB 45 mandates.  The cost could run somewhere around $2,500-$3,500 every three years.


Discussion covered the following:  FABLAB, Superintendent search, projected enrollment, District pamphlet, open enrollment, 5th and 6th grade band, building needs, and E-books and iPads in the elementary.


Upon motion of Clarke, seconded by Bierl and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.



_________________________________                        _____________________________

Alan J. Clarke, Clerk                                                                         Denise Clarke, Recorder