Prudence Lodge Newsletter

April 2002


By-Laws Amendment Proposed


A proposal to amend the by-laws of Prudence Lodge will be voted on at the Stated Communication on May 16, 2002.  The intention of the amendment is to schedule add the summer months to our schedule of stated communications so that business can continue to be conducted.  The amendment reads as follows:

ARTICLE I, SECTION 2, which now reads, “The Stated Communication of the Lodge shall be held on the Third Thursday of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November and December.  The hour of the Communication shall be at Seven-Thirty O’Clock P.M.”

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO READ, “The Stated Communication of the Lodge shall be held on the Third Thursday of each month.  The hour of the Communication shall be at Seven-Thirty O’Clock P.M.”

With the installation of air conditioning two years ago, the Lodge is a pleasant place to be on a warm summer evening.  The amendment was read in Lodge and approved on March 21.  It was sent to Grand Lodge for approval by the Jurisprudence Committee, and received its second reading  in Lodge on April 18.

This newsletter article serves as official notice of the intention to amend the by-laws. 


Newest Brother is Raised


            Ron Richards of Jackson has been raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.  Our new Brother is a State Trooper who patrols Jackson and Cottonwood Counties.  Ron and his wife, Karilyn, recently built a new home in Jackson.


Fellowship Night Held

Bring your son, nephew, neighbor, golfing buddy or business partner.  Prudence Lodge will hold a Recruitment Night on Thursday, March 14, 2002.  We will start with a little fellowship and a turkey dinner.  Then we will give them a tour of the Lodge, tell them what we as Masons do, and show the recruitment video “ I’ve Heard the Name, What Does It Mean?”  Remember, Masons take good men and make them better.  Give the men you know this opportunity.  Please RSVP to Kjell Turner at 831-0136 or Al Peterson at 831-0212 so we have an idea of how many are coming.



Applications are now available for five Masonic Scholarships through Prudence Lodge, which will be matched by the Minnesota Masonic Foundation.

One scholarship will be awarded to a senior at Red Rock Central High School.  The funds come from the former Siloam Lodge at Jeffers.  The student must reside within the bounds of the former Storden-Jeffers school district.

Two scholarships will be awarded to seniors from the other high schools within the Prudence Lodge membership area, including Windom, Mt. Lake, Jackson County Central and Southwest Star Concept School.

Applications for these three scholarships are available from the guidance counselors at each of the schools.  Deadline to apply is April 5, 2002.

The final two scholarships will be awarded to residents of the membership area who have previously attended a post-secondary institution and plan to return.  These could be current students or people looking to return to school.  These applications are available from the Scholarship Committee.  Contact Kjell Turner at 507-831-0136 or Steve Clark at 831-3094.  The form can also be accessed from the Lodge Website at .


Coming Events


            March 14 – Recruitment Night, 6:30 p.m.

            March 21 – Stated Communication.  Worshipful Master Bob O’Connor will be preparing supper.  We will be serving at 6:30, followed by the Communication at 7:30.


E-mail Us

            We have an e-mail address – .  E-mail us so we can have your address and can add you to our list.